SHAPE Revolt Sliding Dovetail Riser
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Product specifications
The bridge plate sliding feature let you insert & slide the SHAPE REVOLT dovetail riser. The dovetail is designed with the ‘standard compatibility for the Arri Amira’, allowing you to quickly and easily mount your camera directly onto the riser. Front to Back Sliding Plate. It allows quick positioning of your camera accessories for an optimal adjustment of your camera’s center of gravity and weight distribution. Match your camera’s optical center. Being able to adjust the height of your rod bloc to match your camera’s optical center is exactly what you can do. 15mm lightweight rod bloc in the front of the Baseplate with a pair of 15 mm 4″ rods. The safety pins prevent the upper plate from sliding. The ratchet knob applies an optimal pressure to the rods and increase the strength of your rig. Compatible with the following cameras: Arri (Amira and Alexa Mini), Sony (FS7, FS7M2, F5, F55, EX1, EX3), Canon (C200, C300, C300M2, C700), Panasonic (EVA1, Cinema Varicam LT 4k S35, Panasonic Ag-af100, Panasonic Ag-af101 Varicam LT, Panasonic P2), Blackmagic (Ursa Mini), RED camera and many other camera models with interchangeable lenses.